2025 Innovations Program

The future of farming is at Ag in Motion

The Ag in Motion 2025 Innovations Program presented by Conexus Credit Union is where we feature the latest ideas and products in farming and showcase innovative solutions for Canadian farmers.

The Innovations Program recognizes companies for their creative solutions in five categories: 


New technology that improves crop production including genetics, crop protection, product application (non-mechanical), and the process of producing a crop.

Business Solutions

New technology to assist farmers and agriculture professionals with the management and decisionmaking of their farm businesses and clients.

Environmental Sustainability

New technology that will help farmers enhance their stewardship while bringing value back to the farmer.


New technology to assist farmers and agricultural professionals with enhancing production and increasing efficiency.


New technology to enhance the production, health, and well-being of livestock animals.

2024 Farmers' Choice Award

TestiGrip for TestiGrip®

And the 2024 Farmers’ Choice Award goes to…

Congratulations to Jodi Suchoplas, creator of TestiGrip, for winning of the 2024 Farmers’ Choice Award, TestiGrip for their TestiGrip®.

We’re thrilled to announce that Testigrip has been named the Farmers’ Choice Award Winner! TestiGrip is a product to help Livestock farmers with proper castration. There is a lot of pressure to have speed and accuracy when you have a protective cow or sheep wanting her baby back. It was developed to help hold the testes in places so there is no slipping or loss with castrating while using an elastrator. TestiGrip also won the 2024 Innovation Award in Livestock.

Meet the 2024 Innovation in Ag Winners


CropScan | On Combine Grain Analyser

The CropScanAg system can now be fitted to virtually any combine on the market. It provides incredibly accurate moisture, protein, oil, fiber, and starch readings and provides accurate data to the combine operator every 3 – 5 seconds in real time using Near Infrared technology. Having this data available on the combine gives a truly innovative option that has not existed until now.

For more information, check out CropScanAg website.

Business Solutions

Ultimate Yield / The Rack | HedgeHog 

A new way to price and manage diesel, this offers producers an option for forward pricing diesel online to improve their efficiency by managing variables for crop production. This innovates risk management as they are able to contract or price other aspects of their production (ie. canola and grain products.

For more information, check out the Ultimate Yield / The Rack website.


TestiGrip | TestiGrip®

Cattle producers are sometimes faced with castration difficulties when both testicles have not descended on a calf. TestiGrip® holds down the testicles so the producer can easily apply the band and ensure both are secured and no testicles are missed. TestiGrip® increases speed and accuracy and ensures proper castration.

For more information, check TestiGrip® on their Facebook page.

Environmental Sustainability

Lemken Canada INC. | Equalizer Air Tine Drill

The Equalizer Air Tine Drill gives Western Canadian farmers a commercially available way to vertically band fertilizer in their attempt to address nutrient stratification in zero-till or min-till production.

For more information, check out Lemken Canada INC. here.



Advance Tank Production Ltd. | Bio-Gas Manure Tank Trailer

This innovation addresses the need for efficiency and environmental responsibility in agricultural transportation. By optimizing the pumping capacity of trailers, it minimizes the time required for loading and unloading, thereby reducing carbon emissions from trucks. Additionally, by efficiently capturing methane from manure, it contributes to greenhouse gas reduction. Overall, this innovation enhances delivery productivity while lessening the environmental impact of transportation.

How it works

Who can be nominated?

Approved exhibitors at Ag in Motion can apply for the Ag in Motion 2025 Innovations Program presented by Conexus Credit Union to showcase an innovative solution for Canadian farmers and be in the running for a Farmers’ Choice Award. Applications are due on June 10, 2025. The Selection Committee reviews the applications and selects the finalists (one or more in a category, depending on the number of entries).

How are the winners selected?

A selection committee determines the best entry in each category based on eligibility, relevance and quality of the application. The winner in each category will be chosen live on Monday, July 14, during the evening Innovations in Agriculture Reception hosted by Ag in Motion and Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada, and sponsored by S3 Group Ltd and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

How does the Farmers' Choice Award work?

Once the winners are selected, each company is put forward for the Farmers’ Choice Award, sponsored by SaskTel. Votes are collected through the Ag in Motion website the week following Ag in Motion and the final Farmers’ Choice Award winner is announced on Ag in Motion’s social media platforms and website. 

Meet the 2024 Innovation in Ag Finalists


Picketa Systems Inc

Leaf-Evaluated-Nutrient-System (LENS)

Picketa Systems has developed a cutting-edge solution for the agriculture industry with their real-time plant tissue analysis system. The product, called LENS, uses a combination of optical sensing and machine learning to rapidly analyze the nutrient concentrations in plants.



Leaf Tissue Analysis | NutriScan

Knowing the nutritional status of your crop is vital in driving its genetic potential. Leaf tissue sampling of young and old leaves can proactively diagnose a nutritional problem before you can visually see it with your own eyes. A leaf tissue analysis program provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your soil fertility program and identifies necessary nutrients throughout the growing season to enhance crop quality and yield.



On Combine Grain Analyzer

The CropScanAg system can now be fitted to virtually any combine on the market. It provides incredibly accurate moisture, protein, oil, fiber, and starch readings and provides accurate data to the combine operator every 3 – 5 seconds in real time using Near Infrared technology. Having this data available on the combine gives a truly innovative option that has not existed until now.


Business Solutions

Ultimate Yield / The Rack


A new way to price and manage diesel, this offers producers an option for forward pricing diesel online to improve their efficiency by managing variables for crop production. This innovates risk management as they are able to contract or price other aspects of their production (ie. canola and grain products.)


Ukko Agro


ForeSite is transforming customer engagement by delivering field-level actionable agronomy insights and real-time weather data to retailers. This cutting-edge tool empowers retail organizations with the intelligence necessary to boost productivity and drive sales growth.


Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc

Trace Complete

Trace Complete is a groundbreaking innovation for Canadian growers and the entire Canadian agriculture industry. Once implemented, it influences every agronomic decision on a farm by providing growers with deep insights into soil profiles at a DNA level. Think of Trace Genomics as the 23andMe test for soil. 


Environmental Sustainability

Annelida Soil Solutions

AnneMaxx Ag Product Line

We divert over 120,000 lbs per week of organics from going into landfills, and use this to feed our 100,000 Red Wiggler worms at our two indoor worm farms. We harvest about 100,000lbs/week of pure worm castings (worm poo!), and make an organic product to assist in growing more food!  Essentially using food-waste to grow more food. The worms diet of 10 different ingredients fed every day make for a very specific and consistent product.


Lemken Canada INC.

Equalizer Air Tine Drill

The Equalizer Air Tine Drill gives Western Canadian farmers a commercially available way to vertically band fertilizer in their attempt to address nutrient stratification in zero-till or min-till production.


Heliae Agriculture

PhycoTerra® Soil Microbial Food

PhycoTerra® is a superior soil microbial food sourced from nature and powered by microalgal technology. It improves your field and crop yield by feeding and waking up the native microbes in your soil, improving soil structure, NPK availability, and water retention – all important for healthy soil and healthy profits.




AGI Pre-Cleaner System

The optional integrated, patent pending, pre-cleaner system removes unwanted debris such as fines, chaff and beeswings from grain before it enters the dryer, helping yield higher quality results. The design of the pre-cleaner system does not require upgrades to existing filling equipment, does not increase overall dryer height and there are no screens to clean. The integrated touchscreen controls allow adjustment to blower speed while drying. And there are flexible discharge options so the pipe can be configured as needed.


Lemken Canada INC.

Solitair DT Air Drill (New 9 meter model)

The 9 meter wide Solitair DT buries residue, creates a seedbed and delivers precise seed placement in one high speed (10 mph) pass. The high speed LEMKEN Solitair DT delivers the equivalent field capacity as a conventional 60′ drill with the added benefit of removing the need to disc or cultivate the soil prior to seeding (where conventional tillage is practiced). The 9 meter wide model is now a practical option for small to mid-sized farms.


Advance Tank Production Ltd.

Bio-Gas Manure Tank Trailer

This innovation addresses the need for efficiency and environmental responsibility in agricultural transportation. By optimizing the pumping capacity of trailers, it minimizes the time required for loading and unloading, thereby reducing carbon emissions from trucks. Additionally, by efficiently capturing methane from manure, it contributes to greenhouse gas reduction. Overall, this innovation enhances delivery productivity while lessening the environmental impact of transportation.



Huber Ag Equipment

Beef Monitor

The Beef Monitor allows you to monitor the weight of your cattle and keep track if they are losing weight, not coming for mineral or water, etc. You can be alerted when issues such as these arise. You can see when your calves plateau and no longer are gaining weight and selling them would be more profitable.




Cattle producers are sometimes faced with castration difficulties when both testicles have not descended on a calf. TestiGrip® holds down the testicles so the producer can easily apply the band and ensure both are secured and no testicles are missed. TestiGrip® increases speed and accuracy and ensures proper castration.


Canadian Forage and Grassland Association

Advanced Grazing Systems Program (AGS)

An online course for farmers, ranchers and grazing mentors (agronomic professionals) to learn the basic techniques of rotational grazing and improve their grazing systems. An advanced grazing system (AGS) uses rotational grazing practices adapted to the landscape, and considers important factors such as rest period, graze time, animal impact, stock density, soil health and biodiversity. Rotational grazing is a practice that has been in use for years and has recently garnered more interest from producers.


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