Exhibit at Ag in Motion

Why exhibit at Ag in Motion?

Ag in Motion, Western Canada’s Largest Outdoor ag expo, welcomes 30,000 progressive farmers annually. We provide the opportunity for our exhibitors to engage and interact with these farmers, who attend the show to experience the latest in agriculture.

Bringing value to the Ag in Motion experience is of the utmost importance to us. If you require more space, less space, or a new space, we will work with you and do our best to accommodate your request. Tell us what you need, and we’ll work to find a solution that fits your business and elevates your customer experiences. Let us help you bring your products to life in new, interactive ways.

Our promise to exhibitors: to deliver an extraordinary experience.

Current exhibitors

Returning Ag in Motion exhibitors have been contacted to renew their previous space. If you have not already renewed, refer to your inbox for a link to confirm your space. Once you confirm your renewal, you will gain access to the Exhibitor Dashboard to update your company information and review the manual and checklist.

If you have any questions or require support, please contact: info@aginmotion.ca.

Reach a targeted audience for your new product or demonstration

Launch your new product at the show to get in front of 30,000 farmers over three days. With Our New Product Launch promotional package, you can ensure your new product gets the recognition it deserves from a targeted audience of commercial farmers.

Take advantage of your outdoor space and organize a live demonstration of your own products at Ag in Motion. The Exhibitor Booth Demonstration Promotional Package gets your demo in front of farmers and makes sure they add it to their ‘must see’ list.

Take advantage of your outdoor space and organize a live demonstration of your own products at Ag in Motion. The Exhibitor Booth Demonstration Promotional Package gets your demo in front of farmers and makes sure they add it to their ‘must see’ list.

Additional ways to highlight your company

Ask us about customized sponsorships and/or exclusive programming to launch a new product, host a private event or offer a live demonstration.

We have many ways to create a customized sponsorship package that is tailored specifically for you to increase your company’s impact with farmers who attend. Get in touch!

New exhibitor inquiry form

Contact Person(Required)

Quote Request

If you would like to request a quote for exhibit space, please complete the fields below and a sales team member will follow up with you.
*All exhibit spaces include one 1500 watt duplex outlet.
Corner Booth Preferred?

Please note: there is an additional charge for corner booths.
For more information on additional opportunities, check any of the following:
Contact Us

If you have additional questions, please contact the Ag in Motion Sales Team at: info@aginmotion.ca

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